
A Website examining Astrology and Tarot with an emphasis on empirical statistical approaches to prove or disprove their existence. The Mad Scientist herein resident believes that certain elements of Astrology are true, but these elements may be vastly different than current notions.

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Location: Broward County, Florida, United States

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Proof of Astrological Energy Gravity 1

My theory of astrological energy gravity. The idea here is that the soul of a newborn child will be more reflective of the ENTIRE FAMILY that it is entering, rather than just the parents. The PROOF of this theory is that a SEVENTH child will be more reflective of the astrological composition of its siblings then of its parents.

If proven, this theory will blow away standard genetics.

Experimental design: Take a random sample of 200 first-born children. Analyze and tabulate the similarities of these children's horoscopes to the horoscopes of their parents.

Take a second random sample of seventh-born children. Analyze and tabulate the similarities of these children's horoscopes to the horoscopes of their parents.

Predicted results: If this theory is correct, then the horoscopes of the seventh-born children should be significantly more different from the parents horoscopes then the horoscopes of the first-borns.

The reason for this is that the seventh born soul is responding to the collective energy of not only the parents, but also the other 6 siblings. The first born, on the other hand, is only responding to the energy of the parents.

The 7 year hurricane

The 7 year interval between Hurricane Katrina and Isaac is undoubtedly significant.  I think that the meaning is God is saying that the land must rest every 7th year, as it says in the Old Testament.

It is all overwhelming Old Testament:  7 years.  The name Isaac!  The drought that is occurring!

God is providing water to help the drought, but He is reminding us that the land is supposed to rest every 7th year, or else he will allow it to rest by withholding the rain.

The weather is God's domain.  Hurricanes are devine creations.  The world does not revolve around the human race.

I got this devine revelation after eating BK stackers with bacon.  Counter intuitve.

Draft 1: 8/29/12

Why I HATE Cloud Computing!!!

This is a perfect example of why I HATE cloud computing! You are an absolute SLAVE of the Cloud provider.  In this case, Google decides to just arbitrarily CHANGE the way EVERYTHING is done in BLOGSPOT.  Why?  Because they're JERKS!  And what can you do about it?  NOTHING!

I HATE this new format!!!  I HATE Google Chrome!!!  I HATE they have hidden and re-arranged everything for some PERVERTED reasons of their own.  This why I HATE and DETEST Cloud computing!!!   YECCCCCHHHHH!!!

and they're all the same.  All the Oligarchs:  Microsoft, Yahoo, Google.  They all just CHANGE everything whenever the F they feel like it.  I HATE it!!!!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012



Tests for psychic communications are probably highly dependent upon the relation between the two subjects.  Tests should be done using mothers and their newborn infants.  They would be most likely to have the strongest psychic bond.

There is also an evolutionary force working behind this form of psychic communication.  Psychic communication between mother and newborn would result in a dramatically higher likelihood of infant survival, which provides an evolutionary force behind the idea.

Tests showing that there is no psychic communicative ability between two strangers does not by any means disprove the existence of psychic communications.  

Research should be done with mothers and newborns.  I'm not familiar with whether or not this has been done.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Toward An Empirical Proof of Astrology

There is actually a very easy and very accurate way to empirically test one aspect of astrology.

This is the aspect that states that specific astrological signs have a tendency to some specific amount of body mass. Some signs are supposed to be tall, others short. Some skinny, some fat.

This is easily explored empirically using a very large database like the Department of Motor Vehicles driver license database. The most accurate index to use would be simple Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI should cut across the fact that some ethnic groups or races are taller or shorter than others. BMI would not really care about actual height.

What Astrology REALLY is: In essence, Astrology can be defined as the study of the effect of the forces of the universe upon the individual. This is not exactly an absurd notion. The Milky Way comprises millions of stars and planets, and each of them has no more free will than a cog in a wheel. Why then should a human being have so much free will?

The entire planet Earth is a tiny spec of dust within the Milky Way. And each of us humans is even less of a spec of dust on the face of the planet Earth. So why then is it so illogical that humans would be affected by the forces and energies of the universe?

TRUE Astrology may have absolutely nothing to do with Sun Signs and Moon Signs and Rising Signs and Houses, etc. These are just old tools that people had to make due with before the advent of computers.

Computerization has brought about a MASSIVE change in the way that Astrology can be examined. It is now a snap to analyze thousands or even millions of people. For example, a researcher can use drivers license databases that have millions of people in them. Each driver license provides a birthdate, a height and a weight. It also specifies whether eye-glasses are required. This is more than enough information to PROVE astrology categorically, IF there is anything to prove.

Astrology software creates the horoscopes automatically, and data analysis software can accumulate and analyze the data. This analysis can even include multiple regressions.

A FIRST STEP would be see if there are any correlations at ANY point in time according to birthdate. If yes, it must also be REPEATABLE. Indeed, this is as much an INVENTING of Astrology as it is a proof.

Since the proof is being done on unambigous PHYSICAL characteristics, like BMI, height and weight, there is no Barnum effect. If the results are significant, they should be repeatable using a database in another state or another country.

WARNING: You CAN NOT DISPROVE Astrology using this approach. Its failure to detect any statistically significant information could simply be because the researcher is looking in the wrong place. However, you CAN prove it, if there is anything to prove.

I am constantly hearing professors and researchers blathering that Astrology is UNTRUE. How the heck do THEY know? They have NOT approached it empirically. They are just expressing their opinions. The opinions of True Non-believers is just as dumb as the opinions of True Believers.

Draft 1: 3/1/2012

There is no necessity for sun signs and 12 houses, etc. Disproving their validity does NOT by any means disprove that there is such a thing as Astrology.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Proof of astrological family-gravity (genetics)

Here's another theory. I'm not sure if other people have developed this or not, but it might not be that difficult to prove, or explore.

Theory: Children born into a particular family are a response to the sum of the ENERGY of that family. Additionally, the sum of the energy of a family will change significantly with the birth of each child.

Proof: This could be proved EMPIRICALLY by comparing the first-born child versus the last-born child astrologically in a large number (hundreds or thousands) of families. The main challenge here is to acquire access to a large database, like motor vehicle files.

Summary: The idea is that the FIRST-BORN child is an energy-response to the collective energy of the Mother and Father. The LAST-BORN child is an energy-response to Mother, Father, child 1, child 2, child 3, ... child n. This difference should be most pronounced in families with a large number of children.

Example: Mother and Father are both earth signs. The first-born child might be more likely to be a water sign, since earth craves water (a crazy example). But then say that there are 6 more children, and they are a whole variety of earth, water, fire and air signs. The 7th child would then be in some response to the new TOTALITY of the family's energy.

I have NO IDEA exactly how a child would come about as a response to the collectivity of a family's energy, but this is discoverable EMPIRICALLY (mathematically, with computer tools).

Again, the first-born is a case of:
Energy/gravity (Mom + Pop) attracts Child #1.

The last-born is a case of:
Energy/gravity (Mom + Pop + child1 + child2 + child n) attracts Child n+1.

This is similar to the creation of solar systems and universes.

Summary: This reflects that I have some belief in astrology as a system of ENERGIES. I have little belief in the mumbo-jumbo that most astrologers talk about. Astrology needs to be defined mathematically. I think that it CAN be done.

If astrology is TRUE, then it most be PROVABLE mathematically. If it is false, it is not provable. It's not rocket science. Unfortunately, 99.9% of serious scientists would not do a serious statistical study of astrology, since that will make them look like kooks. Especially if they don't find anything. But this is a field that should be explored.

Draft 1: 6/2/11.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Attraction of Specific Signs to Specific Movies

Here's an interesting experiment. Determine whether specific astrological signs are more interested in specific movies than others. This can be done thru your Google profile.

Just go into your Dashboard and enter some specific movie into the "favorite movies" entry. Then you can double-click on it and count how many people of each specific sign indicated this movie as a favorite.

I thought of this when I double-clicked on two of my favorite movies: "12 Monkeys" and "Point of No Return". What was particularly interesting about these two movies is that virtually all of the the "12 Monkeys" fans are males, while virtually all of the "Point of No Return" fans are female. A large number of the females seemed to be Geminis or Aquariuses, two of the more "mental" signs (in more ways than one!).

But you could easily do counts on this and determine whether the astrological signs appearing are statistically significant. I think that you use the Chi-Square test. Right? I took 3 statistics courses in college, but it's been a while.

The results must also be repeatable. After coming to brilliant conclusions, try the test again 3 or 4 more times. See if it remains consistent.

11/1/11: I started to do this experiment, but Google is not very helpful in the way that it draws it's sample. It does not simply give you ALL people in the database who liked the particular movie. Instead, it keeps re-sampling, so it does not give an accurate picture of the total populaton.

Obviously, the percentages of each sign in the TOTAL POPULATION of people who liked that movie is what we want to see. It Google does a re-sample every time you hit "next page", then it doesn't mean diddly-squat.

I sent Google an e-mail about this, but they probably have no idea of what I'm talking about or why.

Try it yourself and you'll see how goofy it is. On the first page it might say 5 of 5000, then on the next page it says 14 of 3000, etc. WTF???

Maybe there's some way that I could access the database myself, altho I doubt it.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Proof of Astrological Energy Gravity 2

Here is another empirical experiment that could prove the existence of astrological energy gravity. My theory of gravitational astrology at it's simplest is as follows: The earth and water signs attract each other, as do the fire and air signs. On the other hand, earth and fire, earth and air, water and fire, and water and air will repel each other.

Consequently, in a large room full of strangers, people composed of specific astrological energies should attract or repel other people based upon those energies.

This should be easy to measure in a purely SCIENTIFIC and OBJECTIVE manner. The attributes of the signs are: Aries-fire, Taurus-Earth, Gemini-air, Cancer-water,Leo-fire, virgo-earth, libra-air, scorpio-water,sag-fire, capricorn-earth,aquarius-air, pisces-water.

Experimental design: Randomly select 500 people. Put them all in a ballroom. Tell them to form into groups of 10. Give them only a minute or two.

Results: My theory is that you will find a STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT grouping of "compatible" astrological signs in the groups. In other words, within each group of 10 people, the horoscopes will show a statistically significant astrological affinity.

The predicted pattern is that FIRE and AIR signs would predominate some groups, while EARTH and WATER signs would predominate others. However, this will occur in a much more than random fashion.

Problems: There are other factors that would interfere with pure energy. For example, people would tend to gravitate toward people who look culturally similar. Another possibility would be to blindfold people.

An interesting alternative experiment would be to lead individual blindfolded people into a room with 15 groups of people, and allow each individual to gravitate toward one of the groups.

The results must be REPEATABLE. In other words, subsequent experiments should give the same results.